영어/뷰포인트 갈색

12/16/2014 collocations

영선님 2014. 12. 17. 14:45


 - 자연스럽고 이해가 쉬움

 - 여러 표현 방식을 배우고

 - 하나보다 뭉탱이로 외우는게 쉬움


출처는 여기

We decided to have lunch at a Chinese restaurant.

But sadly, a friend of mine broke the new to me that 

 the closest Chinese restaurant had gone out of business

Unfortunately, another Chinese restaurant was quite far from the closed one.

However, oddly enough, our professor bothered to stick eating Chinese dishes,

So we almost came close to heading to another Chinese restaurant with him.

But in a few steps, bravely, one of my coworkers suggested 

that save ourselves the trouble in freaking cold weather by eating something different.

Mercifully, we came to a compromise on lunch menus 

which was eating something warm in any place near here.


have a bath - 의외

have a drink

have a good time

have a haircut - 서비스니까 get my haircut 이 낫지 않나..

have a holiday - c.f., take a break

have a problem

have a relationship

have a rest - take a rest

have lunch

have sympathy


do business

do nothing

do someone a favor

do the cooking

do the housework

do the shopping - go to the shopping 아닌가?? 

do the washing up

do your best

do your hair - 뭐지 이건

do your homework


make a difference

make a mess

make a mistake

make a noise

make an effort

make furniture

make money

make progress - 이거 종종 보던거다.

make room

make trouble


take a break

take a chance

take a look

take a rest

take a seat

take a taxi

take an exam

take notes

take someone's place

take someone's temperature


break a habit 

break a leg

break a promise

break a record

break a window

break someone's heart

break the ice

break the law

break the news to someone = someone에게 나쁜 소식을 전하다.

break the rules


catch a ball

catch a bus

catch a chill = 감기 들다

catch a cold

catch a thief

catch fire = 불붙다. 흥분하다, 크게 환영받다

catch sight of = 찾아내다

catch someone's attention = catch someone's eye 

catch the flu


pay a fine 

pay attention

pay by credit card

pay cash

pay interest = pay attention 같은 느낌인건가! 관심은 지불하는것

pay someone a compliment

pay someone a visit = 방문하다. 그냥 visit과의 차이는?

pay the bill

pay the price

pay your respects


save electricity

save energy

save money

save one's strength

save someone a seat

save someone's life

save something to a disk = ???

save space

save time

save yourself the trouble = 괜히 수고하지 말아라


keep a diary = 일기는 쓰기보단 관리하는것. 

keep a promise

keep a secret

keep an appointment

keep calm

keep control

keep in touch

keep quiet

keep someone's place

keep the change


come close (to something / to doing something) = 거의 ~ 할뻔하다. 

 - He had came close to death. 거의 죽을뻔했썽

come complete with = ~랑 같이 온다?

come direct = ?

come early

come first

come into view = ?보이게 되다

come last = ?

come late

come on time

come prepared = ?준비해오다?;;

come right back = 바로 톡 쏘는거?;;

come second

come to a compromise = 타협에 이르다

come to a decision = 결정에 이르다

come to an agreement = 동의에 이르다

come to an end

come to a standstill = 멈추다?

come to terms with = 합의하다. 타협하다.

come to a total of

come under attack = 비난받다


go abroad

go astray = 분실되다, 없어지다

go bad

go bald = 대머리 됨

go bankrupt = 오 파산도 가는거라니

go blind = 장님이 됨

go crazy

go dark = 어두워짐

go deaf = 귀머거리 됨

go fishing

go mad

go missing = 행방불명이 되다

go on foot 

go online

go out of business = 폐업하다..

go overseas

go quiet = 조용해지다

go sailing

go to war

go yellow = ?? 노랗게 되다??

get - 얘는 passive voice 

get a job

get a shock

get angry

get divorced

get drunk

get frightened

get home

get lost

get married

get nowhere = 아무 도움이 안된다

get permission

get pregnant

get ready

get started

get the impression

get the message = 뜻을 알아채다

get the sack = 헐 아는거 나왔 get fired

get upset = ??

get wet

get worried