영어/뷰포인트 갈색

2/26/2015 unit 12 comparing

영선님 2015. 3. 4. 11:25

돌고돌아 다시 비교급 최상급으로

-er, -est, more ~, most ~ 이런건 기본이고

as - as 를 좀더 신경써서 써야함. 

I'm not as fast as I'd like to be.

I don't play as often as I should.

최상급을 겹쳐서 쓰면 안된다. e.g., most happiest ㄴㄴ

crooked tooth <-> straight tooth

be more likely ~인거같다

 more likely than not  어느쪽이냐면, 아마도..

It was more likely than not to fail the exam.

(잘은 모르지만) 아마도 시험에 떨어진것 같았다.