2/3/2015 feeling vocabulary
이거 어떻게 정리해야 할지 난감하다..
모르는 단어가 너무많아
1. 기쁘고(Happy) 고마운데 (thankful) 불안했다.(Worried)
It would be so elating, and even grateful
when a friend who lost touch with me
contacts again.
But meanwhile, it might be also anxious
for fear of uncomfortable request.
it might be also nerve-racking for fear of uncomfortable request.
2. 무서워서(Scared). 슬프게도(sad), 부끄러웠다(ashamed)
Lucia said she got surprisingly petrified when she went to a ghost house
10 years ago,
and sadly she tumbled by a scream masked actor.
now it remains as a embarrassing memory.
3. 무신경(uncaring) 은 화(angry)와 상처를 (hurt).
배려(loving), 부드러운 (satisfied)
if you were apathetic to others,
it would make them
exasperated and disappointed.
and if were, trying to be a
caring and mellow friend
would help you.
Apathy sometimes makes people exasperated and disappointed.
남은건 confident, confused, loving, satisfied, uncertain, thoughtful, surprised, wanting , weak,
It was so amusing to summit a paper to the conference which I'd always wanted to be accepted,
meanwhile I felt anxious for rejection of the paper.