영어/인터체인지 초록책

2nd round, comparisons

영선님 2014. 10. 7. 14:51

오늘 디자이너와 엔지니어의 관점에 세미나를 들었는데 나보다 10살 정도 많은 연사가 오셔서 강연을 하셨다.

내 지도교수님보다 경력이 10년 이상 적은 젊은 교수님이셨지만

그 식견은 우리 교수님

Today, I attended a seminar which was about the difference between designers and engineers.

The speaker, who was only about 10 years older than I am, presented his slides with very fluent English.

and he didn't have as much career as my professor did,

but his insight was amazingly valuable,

so that I could get wider perspective in my own research field.

even though the seminar lasted longer than I expected, I really loved it.