Defining and non-defining relative clauses (unit #14, part 2)
1. Defining relative clauses
말 그대로 뭔가 정의하는것. who/which/that 을 쓰는 일반적인 관계대명사로 필수적인 정보를 담는다.
A dialect coach is a language specialist.
She works with actors on their accents.
--> A dialect coach is a language specialist who works with actors on their accents.
who 이하는 dialect coach에 대한 필수적인 정보가 포함되어있음
2. Non-defining relative clauses
없어도 되는 잉여 추가정보. that 같은거 안되고 항상 who/which만 쓰임. 콤마 반드시 쓰임
일상적인 회화에서 엄청 많이 쓰일 것 같음
얘기하다가 쓸모없는 말 하나씩 보태고 보태고..
A location scout finds places to shot scenes.
He travels all over the world.
--> A location scout, who finds places to shot scene, travels all over the world.
who에 엮인 절은 사실 없어도 location scout가 세계를 여행한다는 사실을 설명하는데는 지장이 없다.
즉 없어도 되는 잉여 정보라는 뜻
* non-defining
1) My dog likes napping. + She has abundant brown fur.
My dog, who likes napping, has abundant brown fur.
--> abundant는 좀 학술적인 표현이라 그냥 a lot of 로 대체하는게 나음.
My dog, who likes napping, has a lot of brown fur.
2) My professor must have been damaged to his head when he was young. + He is an awesome researcher.
My professor, who is an awesome researcher, must have been damaged to his head when he was young.
--> 이 경우는 get something p.p 를 쓰는 것이 더 자연스러움. (배웠는데 자주 안쓰다보니 자꾸 까먹음 ㅜㅜ)
My professor, who is an awesome researcher, must have got his head damaged when he was young.
3) 냉면 is the king of the noodle. 냉면 costs only 4 to 5 thousand won
냉면, which costs only 4 to 5 thousand won, is the king of the noodle.
4) Listening to others is important, which I am not good at, it will make you a better person.
--> 문장 전체에 대해서 non-defining clause를 적용해 본 것. 이렇게 하는게 맞나
* defining
4) My professor is an awesome researcher. He writes many great papers.
My professor who is an awesome researcher writes many great papers.
5) Negative attitude makes us depressed. It would harm to people around you.
Negative attitude which makes us depressed would hurt others.