Unit 1 something something
- laid-back --> 여유로운
- My girlfriend is too clingy! 내 여자친구 너무 달라붙어
- choir 합창단
- it hurts my head! 아픈 대상은(머리) 대체로 주어가 되질 않는다. My head was hurt 이런거 없음
- I would make a good counselor. make는 참 폭넓은 뜻이 있음. 해내다. 같은것?
- He married her. / He is married to her. they are all the same!
- keep in touch <--> lose touch
- agree on things --> 뭔가에 동의할 때. c.f., 보통 사람에 동의할 때 agree with someone
- have a blast! == have fun
- get the most out of --> 본전을 뽑다 You should get the most out of your vacation!
- take advantage of --> (나쁜 의미로) 이용하다 She used to take advantage of man-oriented environment of her office. (?)
- make use of == utilize
- meticulous == detail-oriented
- cherish --> 소중하게 여기다
- extrovert <--> introvert == 내향적인 사람 <--> 외향적인 사람
- I'm not so much of a diligent person.
- I can't let go of something.
- It has been ~~~ since the last time I did something.
- sunny side up --> 계란 반숙
- There is no use of ~ing. --> 아이고 의미없다
formal <--> informal 한 단어의 pair 를 2개 찾아서 문장 하나 씩 써보기
1. because of --- due to
Because of oversleep, I missed the bus to my hometown.
Due to oversleep, it was impossible to proceed the schedule as planed.
2. tell --- inform
I'm so sorry to tell you but you are fired now.
I'm so sorry to inform you that the company has decided to lay you off.