영어/인터체인지 파란책

Wish (unit #3, part 2)

영선님 2014. 7. 13. 15:09

wish 를 사용한 가정법

나는 보통 if 가정법을 써서 얘기하고 wish는 잘 쓰질 않는데, 연습해 두어야 겠음

use wish + past tense to refer to present wishes. (현재의 바람을 얘기할 때)

1) I lived with my parents.

I wish I didn't live with my parents.

I wish I had my own apartment.

2) I can't move out.

I wish I could move out.

3) Live is difficult

I wish it were easier.

I wish it weren't so difficult.

4) My parent won't stop worrying about me.

I wish they would stop worrying about me.

be 동사의 경우 항상 were를 사용할 것.