multi-part phrase verbs
어젠 여러 단어로 이루어진 동사에 대해서 연습함
1. come
1) come across : finding by accident (우연히 발견함)
I came across a photo of my grandfather in an old newspaper.
2) come across as - seem, look, seem to be, look like... ~ 처럼 보이다
Jordan come across as an out-going person.
3) come down with - to become or to be sick with some illness 병에 걸려서 아파짐
I have a sore throat and a headache. I think I'm comming down with a cold.
4) come in handy - to be useful
Bring a flashlight when we go down to the basement, it might come in handy.
2. hang
1) hang up on somebody - stop talking
전화상에서 전화 끊어버림
I hang up on my girlfriend because we had argument during the last night's phone call.
2) hang on - wait
hang on a minute!
3) hangup - problem, trouble
I don't want to date with her because she have several hangups.
3. get
1) get ahead (of somebody) - 남보다 앞서게 되다
I want to earn a lot of money to get ahead of others.
2) get by (in/on/with something) - 그럭저럭 해 나가다
I have to get by on such a small salary.
3) get away with - 안걸리고 넘어가다 without getting caught
I tried to cheat in the Korean history exam. I thought that I could get away with it.
4) get off someone's back - 등쳐먹는걸 그만 하다?
누군가 내 등에 업혀있다고 생각하고, get off (내리라고) 하는 것.
One of my co-worker does nothing all day and everyday. I want him to get off the other co-worker's back.
5) get a word in edgewish - 말할 틈이 없다 (말이 하도 많아서)
Gerard talked too much so I couldn't get a word in edgewish
4. take
1) take after - resemble
I take after my mother. She has dark skin.
2) take apart - 레고같은게 쪼개지다, 나라, 그룹 등에도 사용 가능
my friends had a big fight, we took apart into 2 groups.
3) take up - try, try to learn
I should take up swimming.
4) take over - 인수하다, 떠맡다, 차지하다 등등
I should save some money to get by on such a small salary.
My friends and I had a big fight because of a tiny hangup, we took apart into 2 groups.
My father is a strong human being, never got a single cold. but I am totally different with him,
I always come down with a cold. I should have taken after him.
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