영어/인터체인지 초록책
Relative pronouns (unit #1, part1)
2014. 7. 5. 09:55
Relative pronouns (관계대명사)
1) as the subject of a clause
I like guys who/that aren't too serious.
I like guys who/that have a good sense of humor.
2) as the object of a clause
I'd prefer someone (who/that) I have fun with.
I'd prefer someone (who/that) I can talk to easily.
* 2번의 경우 관계대명사 생략 가능
* 2번의 경우, 뒤에 필요한 전치사를 붙이는걸 잊지 말 것.
상식적인 내용이지만
사람이면 who/that
사물이면 which/that
소유물에 관련된거면 whose
장소에 관련된거면 where
새로 배운 표현
* It turns out to be less serious.
* Can you get along well with everyone?
모르던 단어
* brag
* stubborn
* neat
* stingy
* nag