get rid of something - 무언가 제거하다
go worse and worse - 점점 심각하게 안좋아지다
can't stand something - 무언가를 (매우 싫어해서) 더 이상 버틸 수 없다.
turn something on - 전자기기를 켜다
what's the matter (with something or someone)? - 문제가 뭐니?
take a look - 빠르게 살펴보다
lose it - 자제력을 잃고 놀라다? (I lost it!)
F and P
L and R
Diction - proper usage of words
My parent pushed a lot to me. (x)
My parent phased me a lot. (o)
That was the most longest period (x)
That was the longest period (o)
I couldn't go back to the hotel in subway (x)
I couldn't go back to the hotel by subway (o)
examines (이그재민)