~ 하는게 좋다고 생각되면? --> should, ought to

~ 반드시 해야하는 것이라면? --> must, have to


이거말고 동의, 반대 등의 의견을 개진할 때 세련되게 하는 표현들 몇개 배움

1. 개인적인 시각

- As far as I'm concerned~~

내가 아는 한 에서는, ~~ 이런거야.

- I'd like to point out that ~~

- Speaking for myself ~~

2. 일반적인 시각

- It is thought that ~~

- Some people say that ~~

- It is considered ~~

- It is generally accepted that ~~

3. 동의할 때

- I'd go along with that.

- That's just what I was thinking.

4. 반대할 때

- That's different.

- On the contrary

- Yes, but don't you think

- That's not the same thing at all.

- I must take issue with you on that.

- It's unjustifiable to say that.

몇몇 표현들이 심하게 오글거린다;;


As far as I'm concerned, human being will die out by zombie virus.

It is generally accepted to yield bus seat to elders.  

Posted by 영선님