If you had to break up with your girlfriend, Would you rather be a person who dump one's boy/girl friend, or be a person who get dumped by?

If you got ditched in an island which lives no one, Would you rather make a raft to escape or stay there until someone finds you?

sometimes there is a moment that people have to choose between friendship and love. Would you rather choose friendship or love? once you choose, it can be un-done and you have to give up the other for the entire of your life.

Posted by 영선님

1. One thing to wast your money is being impulsive sometimes. but it would leave a lot of regrets.

2. When you are having a hard time, one way to get better is to have a conversation with your close friends.

3. The best way to remain healthy is to fit yourself into a regular life cycle.

Posted by 영선님

passive voice를 왜 쓰는가?

1. object를 강조

2. 주어가 너무 뻔해서 말할 필요가 없음

오늘 배운건

I was told ~~

I was asked ~~

I was expected ~~

I was forbidden ~~

I was encouraged~~

I was supposed ~~

I was warned

1. When I was a child, I was encouraged to do anything I want. but I was too lazy to challenge something new.

1. When I went to the ghost house in some amusement park, I pushed many scary-costumed actors because I was so nervous and frightened. after several touches I was warned not to touch any actors in the park any more.

3. I was pushed to prepare a project proposal, which is important for our salary, but nobody helped me. Today, I got a great news that my proposal was accepted with a fund of 6000만원 per year.

4. Since I was young, I've been taught not to be a selfish man. and It is one of the important lesson for the entire of my life.

Posted by 영선님

reported speech! 

A friend of mine said that 

he had drunk 6 days a week, 

but he had never been late for work.. 

My father told me that 

my grandfather had had clear memory sometimes, 

even though he had suffered from dementia.

One article said that 

King Crabs had been sold in half price,

but it turned out to be a kind of marketing.

Posted by 영선님

There are 2 convenient stores near my home. 

one is GS 25, and another is 7-11. 

GS 25 is just adjacent to my house and the place is larger than 7-11,

thusit seems that they have more stuff than 7-11, but they don't.

the manager is not good at managing the store, 

as a result their shelves are always empty.

but at the same time, the manager of 7-11 is very diligent. 

in spite of their small place, they are always full of good products.

in summary, 7-11 is better

Posted by 영선님

suppose 3~4 kind of situations asking a request with different formality

1. My professor had to attend a seminar and present something, 

but he didn't want to

so he called me and asked,

"Can you present the thing instead of me? 

it will be fun, and will be a good chance for you to get experience of talking in public"

2. at the lunch time, I went a Chinese restaurant with my co-workers. 

I ordered 짬뽕밥, but the waitress missed my order. 

So there was no food for me when the others got their ones.

Waitress apologized and promised to bring my food ASAP,

but my co-workers already finished their dishes. before I got my one.

So I asked to the waitress,

"Would you cancel my order?

 I don't want to start eating when everybody already has finished their food."


3. One of my friend have to move on Saturday. 

He doesn't have much stuff, so he think if some of his friend help him, 

he will be able to move without calling a delivery service.

He asked me, "May I ask you to help me to move on Saturday? I'll buy you beer"

But I refused it flatly without thinking.

Posted by 영선님

오늘 디자이너와 엔지니어의 관점에 세미나를 들었는데 나보다 10살 정도 많은 연사가 오셔서 강연을 하셨다.

내 지도교수님보다 경력이 10년 이상 적은 젊은 교수님이셨지만

그 식견은 우리 교수님

Today, I attended a seminar which was about the difference between designers and engineers.

The speaker, who was only about 10 years older than I am, presented his slides with very fluent English.

and he didn't have as much career as my professor did,

but his insight was amazingly valuable,

so that I could get wider perspective in my own research field.

even though the seminar lasted longer than I expected, I really loved it.

Posted by 영선님

목적어로 동명사를 취하는지, 부정사를 취하는지를 구분하는건 정말 어렵다 ㅜ

정말 그냥 외워야하는건가ㅜㅜ

One of my coworkers has been accused of committing sexual harassment.

I'm getting fatter, but I still defer going to a gym and can't resist pigging out.

I owed my friend several times, so I couldn't help treating dinner to him.

It is hard to resist drinking. my friend always want me do drink with them.

acknowledge   인정하다, 승인하다, 용인하다. 자인하다, 고백하다 

accuse of  



appreciate  고맙게여기다




defer  ( == postpone)



discuss  (뒤에 about 붙이면 안됨 콩글리시)

entail 일으키다, 수반하다, 필요로 하다, 함의하다

look after  돌보다

insist on  고집하다




plan on  ~할 예정이다, ~할 계획이다, ~에 의존하다



resent  분개하다, 원망하다




sanction  인가하다, 시인하다


take care of


Posted by 영선님

급하니 일단 숙제만 ㅜㅜ

One of the defect of living alone is preparing breakfast without mom.

The most challenging thing of being a graduated student is filling one's career with a lot of papers.

I'll have been to the universe in 30 years.

even though many of my hypotheses turned out to be false, I managed to submit paper.

Posted by 영선님

~ 하는게 좋다고 생각되면? --> should, ought to

~ 반드시 해야하는 것이라면? --> must, have to


이거말고 동의, 반대 등의 의견을 개진할 때 세련되게 하는 표현들 몇개 배움

1. 개인적인 시각

- As far as I'm concerned~~

내가 아는 한 에서는, ~~ 이런거야.

- I'd like to point out that ~~

- Speaking for myself ~~

2. 일반적인 시각

- It is thought that ~~

- Some people say that ~~

- It is considered ~~

- It is generally accepted that ~~

3. 동의할 때

- I'd go along with that.

- That's just what I was thinking.

4. 반대할 때

- That's different.

- On the contrary

- Yes, but don't you think

- That's not the same thing at all.

- I must take issue with you on that.

- It's unjustifiable to say that.

몇몇 표현들이 심하게 오글거린다;;


As far as I'm concerned, human being will die out by zombie virus.

It is generally accepted to yield bus seat to elders.  

Posted by 영선님