이번엔 관계대명사를 포함한 명사절을 배워보자

매우 쉽고 유용한 표현들이 많으니 연습해 둘 것

One thing (that) I'd really miss is my mom's cooking.

Something (that) I'd be nervous about is communicating in a new language.

Two people (who/that) I'd call every week are my parents.

My mom's cooking is one thing (that) I'd really miss.

Communicating in a new language is something (that) I'd be nervous about.

My parents are two people (who/that) I'd call every week.

별것도 아니로군?

그 외의 것들

* enthusiastic 열성적인

발음이 어렵다. [엔-쑤지에스틱] ㅋㅋ

* get on one's nerves 

 = make someone annoyed 누군가 빡치게 하다

Eating something delicious is one thing that I'd be enthusiastic about.

Something that I'd really worried about is finding a new studio apartment where I can stay comfortable in.

Posted by 영선님