1) Use will to predict future events or situation

그냥 평범한 미래 일을 얘기할 땐 will을 쓰자

Computers will recognize any voice command. You won't need a keyboard.

2) Use future continuous to predict ongoing actions.

뭔가 진행중일거라 예상되는 상황엔 미래진행형

사실 그냥 미래랑 비슷한데, 뭔가 하고 있다는 것을 강조하기 위함임

People will be living in cities under the ocean.

3) Use future perfect to predict actions that will be completed by a certain time.

미래의 어느 시점에 완료된 일을 얘기할 땐 미래완료

근데 미래완료는 보통 단독으로 잘 안쓰이고, by the time 같은거랑 묶어서 쓰임

일상적인 대화에서 미래완료를 써야 할 상황은 크게 나오지 않을 것 같음

Within 20 years, scientists will have discovered a cure for baldness.

By 2050, we will have set up human communities on Mars.

내 예문들

- People and dogs will be able to understand each others' language.

- In 50 years, Both South and North Korea will be being still separated into 2 Nations.

- Within 100 years, Japan will have sunk down into deep inside of the Pacific ocean.

Posted by 영선님