장단점 등을 비교 평가 할 때 쓰는 표현들

1) Evaluations with adjective

Apartments aren't big enough for families.

Apartments are too small for pets.

2) Evaluations with nouns

Apartments don't have enough parking spaces.

House cost too much money.

3) Comparisons with adjectives

Houses aren't as convenient as apartments.

Houses are just as convenient as apartments.

4) Comparisons with nouns

Apartments have just as many rooms as houses.

Apartments don't have as much privacy as houses.

enough, too, as ~ as, 등의 표현은 익숙하다.

명사를 비교할 때 much, many 등을 써서 비교하자. 










parking spaces

여러가지를 비교 평가 할 수 있다

Posted by 영선님

의문사가 들어간 문장의 간접의문문 

포인트는 의문사 이후의 동사+주어 순서를 주어+동사의 평서문의 어순으로 바꾸어 주는 것

1) Wh-questions with be

Where is the nearest ATM? --> Could you tell me where the nearest ATM is?

Where are the restrooms? --> Do you know where the restrooms are?

2) Wh-questions with do

How often do the buses run? -> Can you tell me how often the buses run?

What time does the bookstore open? --> Do you know what time the bookstore open?

3) Wh-questions with can

Where can I catch the bus? --> Do you know where I can catch the bus?

piece of cake

Posted by 영선님

양을 표현하는 법

셀 수 없는 명사 / 셀 수 있는 명사 얘네가 굉장히 헷갈리는데

many - much

few - little

more/fewer - more/less

enough - enough 


with count nouns

1) There are too many cars.

2) There should be fewer cars.

3) We need more subway lines.

4) There aren't enough buses.

with noncount nouns

1) There is too much traffic.

2) There should be less pollution.

3) We need more public transportation.

4) There isn't enough parking.

Only with
uncountable nouns
With uncountable
and countable nouns
Only with
countable nouns
How much?How much or How many?How many?
a littleno/nonea few
a bit (of)not anya number (of)
-some (any)several
a great deal ofa lot ofa large number of
a large amount ofplenty ofa great number of
-lots of-
+ noun

Posted by 영선님