써도 되는, 널리 쓰이는 것들

receive a gift

give a gift

accept a gift

owe an apology

offer(give) an apology

accept an apology

return a phone call

make a phone call

receive a phone call

return a favor

do a favor

ask for a favor

receive an invitation

accept an invitation

turn down an invitation (초대를 거절하다)

accept a request

make a request

decline a request

receive a complement

return a complement

give a complement

쓰면 안되는 형태

do a gift 

do an apology

do a phone call

make a favor

offer an invitation

offer a request

ask for a request

do a compliment

생각보다 do 를 쓰면 안되는 경우가 많다. 

사과를 '하다'

전화를 '하다'

칭찬을 '하다'

단순히 do 를 '하다'로 생각하고, 우리말로 잘 치환되다 보니 생각없이 do 를 쓰게 됨.

이와 비슷한 것으로 make up 이 있는데,

'화장을 하다'는 wear  makeup. do makeup 이 아님

또한 초대하다 같은 경우

give an invitation 이런거 보다 invite 하는게 좋음 

초대하다는 뜻의 동사가 있는데 초대를 주다 식의 표현은 문장을 불필요하게 길고 어색하게 만듬

Posted by 영선님

여러가지 방법을 이용해서 뭔가 부탁하기.

less formal 한 방법부터 엄청 formal 한 방법까지 다양하게 연습함

1. Can I borrow your pen please?

2. Could you lend me a jacket, please?

3. Is it OK if I use your phone?

4. Do you mind if I use your phone?

5. Would it be all right  if I compared our homework?

6. Would you mind if i borrowed your new camera?

7. Would you mind babysitting my kids on Saturday night?

8. I was wondering if I could borrow some money.

9. Would it be too much trouble for you to share your textbook?

1번부터 8번까지, 낮은 번호가 less formal 한 질문. 높을수록 more formal 한 질문들

would가 들어가면 몹시 정중해짐ㅋ

또 조심해야 할 것이, 5~6번을 보면  if 절에 과거형을 사용한 것.

흔히 가정법 과거라고 알고있는 것의 모양새는

if <simple past> did something, I would do something 의 꼴이 되는데 이거랑 똑같으니 유의해야 함

Posted by 영선님

여러가지로 비교하는 방법을 배워보자

역시나 독해는 쉽지만 능숙하게 말하는 데는 좀 힘듬

1) with adjectives

~~ is more/less interesting that ~~

~~ is harder than ~~

~~ is not as hard as ~~

 - My dog is always happier than me.

 - I am not as happy as my dog.

 - He is more suspicious than other suspects.

2) with nouns 

~~ has better/worse hours than ~~

~~ has more education than ~~

~~ isn't as much work as ~~

 - My brother has more books than me.

 - I don't have as many books as my brother.

 - He has better body shape than me.

3) with verbs

~~ earns more/less than ~~

~~ earns as much as ~~

~~ doesn't earns as much as ~~

 - She ate more than me.

 - She ate as much as an elephant.

 - I didn't eat as much as her.

 - Germany scored more than Portugal.

4) with past participles

~~ is better paid than ~~

~~ is as well paid as ~~

~~ isn't as well paid as ~~

 - My brother was better cared than me by my parent.

 - Basketball isn't as much played as soccer.

눈으로만 봐서는 모두 쉽다!  연습 연습 필요


 * 우선 ~er 을 붙일 때랑 more 붙일때를 잘 구분 해야함

 * 가끔 말하다 보면 more faster 이렇게 말 하는데 그럴 필요가 없음

 * many, much 잘 분간할 것. 

 * 이유는 모르지만, 미국 사람들이 그게 더 좋아! 등을 말할 때 

 I like it more 이 아니라 I like it better, I like it the best. 이런식으로 말 한다고 함. (출처 Jade)

  - I like cats better than dogs. 

Posted by 영선님