몹시 쉽군

제안하는 법이 여러가지 있는데 너무 간단해서 사실 수업시간에도 다루지 않았다.

1) with modals + verb 조동사랑 동사를 이용

Maybe you could go to a chat room.

2) With gerunds

how/what about~, have you thought about~

What about taking a dance class?
Have you thought about asking your friends to introduce you to their other friends?

3) with negative questions

Why don't you ~~

이 뒤엔 동사원형이 나와야 함 (당연, don't 가 있으니까)

Why don't you join an online dating service?

4) with infinitives

One option is to join a club.

It might be a good idea to check out those discussion groups at the bookstore.

TistoryM에서 작성됨
Posted by 영선님
have (get) + something + past partciple

내가 직접 한게 아니라 뭔가 서비스를 받았을 때 쓰는것


I get my pizza delivered.
I have my hair cut.

피자를 배달시켰을 때, 머리를 잘랐을 때

have --> 더 formal함. 특히 writing 할 때

I clean my aparment every week.

He is washing his car.

They fixed their computer.

Did you repair your watch?

Where can I print these pictures?

I get my apartment cleaned (by Hazel) every week.

He is having his car washed.

They got their computer fixed.

Did you have your watch repaired?

Where can I get these pictures printed?

또 이렇게 서비스를 받은 것 이외에도

불행한, 의도치 않은 사고를 당했을 때 쓸 수도 있다

예를 들어

I got my nose broken.
Jade got her car stolen.

I want to get my internet re-connected. It was disconnected last night.

My professor got his flight schedule changed three times, and It was my job

I felt like working in a travel agency.

I haven't played my guiter for a long time, and the neck of the guitar has been shrunk.

It costs 100 thousand won to get my guitar repaired and polished.

My professor came up with an terrible idea to cut down on our salary.

I need to escape this place as soon as possible.
Posted by 영선님

by + gerund (~ 함으로써 정도)

You could improve your accent by listening to language CDs.

I learn new words best by writing them on pieces of paper and sticking them on things.

The best way to learn slang is not by watching the news but by watching movies.

그냥 gerund의 경우가 단순한 명사화 라면 by + gerund 는 방법의 의미를 추가하는 것

I could be only a good friend of my dog by playing with him.

But my mom could be a god of him by feeding him.

In freaking hot summer, Many Koreans recover their vitality by eating 삼계탕 on 복날. 

Flavor of 삼계탕 can be enriched by adding various items like ginseng, garlic or something like that.

Posted by 영선님

Would rather + base form

Would prefer + infinitive

뭔가 선택해야 할 때 자주 쓰이는 표현 

1) Would you rather take a business or communications class?

 - I'd rather take a communications class.

 - I'd rather not take either.

 - I'd rather take another course than study business or communications.

 would rather 는 뭔가 다 맘에 안드는 것 중에서 그나마 하나를 골라야 할 때 주로 쓰임


뒤에  동사원형 쓸것

2) Would you prefer to study business or communications?

 - I'd prefer to study business.

 - I'd prefer not to study either.

would prefer 는 괜찮은 것 중에서 더 선호하는 것을 고를 때

3) Let's join a club.

 - I'd rather not join a club.

 - I'd rather not.

 - I'd prefer to join a club.

 - I'd prefer not to.

부정문 만들 땐 뒤에 not을 놓는것으로 끝.

Would you rather eat the worst menu in an awesome restaurant, or eat the best menu in a bad restaurant?

Would you prefer to play the string instrument like guitar, or play the percussion instrument like drum?

Posted by 영선님

부정사 구 / 절 이 들어간 문장들

One way to change things is to talk to the company's management.

Another way to stop them is to get a TV station to run a story.

The best ways to fight cancer are to do more research and educate people.

noun, adjective, adverb 로서 사용된다는데 사실 명사용법 말곤 잘 모르겠다.. 

위에 쓰인건 형용사적 용법 같고,

To see is to believe 이런건 명사적 용법


The best way to be a friend is to eat something together.

To be a good friend of mine, one way is to give me free coffee.

One way to make my boss angry is to stop researching and do nothing.

* do 는 transitive verb (타동사) 로 목적어가 필요함. 

즉, one way (that) you can do is ~~~ 는 틀린 문장임 (do 의 목적어가 없으니까)

* make someone happy, make someone angry 등 make 뒤에 형용사가 올 땐 그냥 쓰면 됨

사역동사 그런거 생각해서 make someone be happy 이럴 필요 없음

* worry, concern 등은 그냥 동사로 쓰이기 보단 

be <concerned, worried> about 등의 형태로 쓰임 

Posted by 영선님

여러가지 수동태 모양

1) Present continuous passive  (be being p.p)

The air is being polluted by fumes from cars and trucks.

City streets are being damaged as a result of heavy traffic.

Potholes aren't being repaired due to a lack of funding.

2) Present perfect passive (have been p.p)

Many parks have been lost through overbuilding.

The homeless have been displaced because of overcrowding in city shelters.

* livestock : 가축

* contaminate : 더럽히다, 오염하다

* erode : 좀먹다, 부식하다, 침식하다

My PC has been infected by viruses because of some porn websites.

냉면 is being considered as a popular summer taste.

My guitar has not been played in ages, so it gathers dust just like my push-up bars.

Posted by 영선님

이번엔 need + gerund, need + passive infinitives를 이용해서 문제를 묘사해보았음

1) Need + gerund 

The oven needs adjusting.

The alarm need fixing.

2) Need + passive infinitives

It needs to be adjusted.

It needs to be fixed

자 1번과 2번, 즉 동명사와 부정사가 왔을 때 두 경우 의미가 같다. 

3) Keep + gerund

Everything keeps burning.

The alarm keeps going off. 

(알람이 계속 울리고있다!)

뒤에 gerund 혹은 infinitive 중 어느 것이 오는가에 따라 뜻이 변하는 동사들이 있음

1) begin

진행형으로 쓰이지 않는 한 gerund과 infinitive 모두 사용 가능

진행형으로 쓰이면 infinitive로. 

2) forget

used with gerund: to forget that you have done something. (예전에 뭔가 한 것을 까먹음)

used with infinitive: to forget that you need to do something. (뭔가 하려고 한 것을 까먹음)

3) keep

gerund: you continue doing an action (계속 ~ 하다)

infinitive: keep something in order to.. (뭔가를 하기위해서 keep 하다)

4) regret

gerund: 보통 동명사와 같이 쓰임

infinitive: 보통 I regret to tell, I regret to inform.. 등등으로 쓰이면서, 안좋은 소식을 전할 때 씀

5) remember - forget과 비슷

gerund: 예전에 뭔가 한 것을 기억함

infinitive: 뭔가 하려고 했던 것을 기억함

6) start - begin과 비슷

진행형으로 쓰이지 않았으면 gerund, infinitive 다 사용 가능

진행형으로 쓰이면 infinitive 사용. 혹은, 완료하지 않은 일이나 진행중인 일에 대해서 infinitive 사용

7) stop

보통은 gerund 사용

infinitive가 사용되면 뭔가 하기 위해서 멈추었다는 (in order to) 뜻

8) try

gerund: 시험삼아, 그냥 한번 시도해 보는 것. 

infinitive: 성공하려 시도하는것.

I regret to inform you that I forgot to bring you your laptop which I borrowed for a homework.

When I am sad, I stop being sad and try to be awesome. 

If there is a something need to be fixed on my boss's stuff, he always call me first.

Posted by 영선님

1) With past participles as adjectives

과거분사를 부사로 써서 문제점을 묘사하기

The jacket lining is torn. 자켓 라인이 찢어졌다. tear는 [테어] 로 읽어야 함.

The tabletop is damaged.

That vase is chipped.

My pants are stained.

Her sunglasses are a little scratched.

The sink is leaking.  

leak 는 예외로, past participle 대신 present continuous 형태를 사용함.

2) With nouns

명사를 이용해서 문제점을 묘사하기

It has a tear in it. / There is a hole in it.

There is some damage on the top.

There is a chip in it.

They have a stain on them.

There are a few scratches on them.

It has a leak.

stain scratch damage 이런건 on 을 썼고

tear hole chip 이런건 in 을 썼고

전치사 어렵군 어려워

My laptop has been damaged. There are a few scratches in its upper case.

I have a ten-thousand-won bill which is torn. It has a tear in it.

I was drinking coffee, sitting on my bed, and I spilled it up on my bed. 

So now, there is a stain on the bed sheet.

present participles: describe something or someone

past participle: describe how people feel about someone or something

I'm bored. <-- 나는 지루하다 (내 느낌을 묘사)

I'm boring. <-- 나는 지루한 사람이다. (자신을 묘사)

Feel '-ed' 

describe '-ing' 



















Posted by 영선님

상황에 맞는 행동을 기대할 때? 설명할 때 쓰이는 표현들

이런 상황에서는 이렇게 한다 <-- 같은 느낌

When you visit someone, it's the custom to bring a small gift.

                             you aren't supposed to arrive early.

If you want to bring someone, you're expected to call first and ask.

you're supposed to check with the host.

it's not acceptable arrive without calling first.

여기서 제일 중요한 표현이 바로 

be supposed to something.

3가지 뜻이 있는데,

1) duty. 위의 예문들이 바로 이 경우이다. should, have to 와 비슷

2) 어디선가 들은 이야기. it is said~~, someone said~~

 이디야 카페가 좋다고 하던데?

 Ediya is supposed to be good.

3) arranged, planned event. 

 내일은 상사가 출장을 가기로 되어있다.

 My boss is supposed to be on a business trip tomorrow.

- What is that supposed to mean?

방금 뭐라고했냐?? --> 누군가 빡치게 만들었을 때 강하게 되묻기

- I am supposed to train my intern.

- Nike is supposed to make a lot of nice shoes.

- Dad was supposed to buy me a toy as a Christmas present.

Posted by 영선님

이번엔 관계대명사를 포함한 명사절을 배워보자

매우 쉽고 유용한 표현들이 많으니 연습해 둘 것

One thing (that) I'd really miss is my mom's cooking.

Something (that) I'd be nervous about is communicating in a new language.

Two people (who/that) I'd call every week are my parents.

My mom's cooking is one thing (that) I'd really miss.

Communicating in a new language is something (that) I'd be nervous about.

My parents are two people (who/that) I'd call every week.

별것도 아니로군?

그 외의 것들

* enthusiastic 열성적인

발음이 어렵다. [엔-쑤지에스틱] ㅋㅋ

* get on one's nerves 

 = make someone annoyed 누군가 빡치게 하다

Eating something delicious is one thing that I'd be enthusiastic about.

Something that I'd really worried about is finding a new studio apartment where I can stay comfortable in.

Posted by 영선님