음 부가의문문.

질문하기/받기 모두 좀 까다롭다.. 생각없이 얘기하다보면 be동사인지 뭔지 대답도 yes/no 마냥 헷갈리고..

1. 주문장이 어떤 꼴인지 확실하게 기억하고 있어야함. 

그래야 부가의문문도 isn't it 인지 doesn't it 인지 틀리지 않게 얘기할테니..

2. 그리고 대답은 항상 Yes it is (does) /  No it isn't (doesn't)  이렇게 2가지.

긍정적인거면 yes, 부정적인거면 no. 

결론은 정신차리고 얘기해야 한다 그리고 연습도 많이해야한다 ㅜㅜ

My professor always works, never takes care of his family, and is not good at listening to others. 

So, he is crazy, isn't he?

The data collected from the experiment has random distribution. 

The hypothesis should be revised, shouldn't it?

Posted by 영선님

1. Defining relative clauses 

말 그대로 뭔가 정의하는것. who/which/that 을 쓰는 일반적인 관계대명사로 필수적인 정보를 담는다.

A dialect coach is a language specialist.

She works with actors on their accents.

--> A dialect coach is a language specialist who works with actors on their accents.

who 이하는 dialect coach에 대한 필수적인 정보가 포함되어있음

2. Non-defining relative clauses

없어도 되는 잉여 추가정보. that 같은거 안되고 항상 who/which만 쓰임. 콤마 반드시 쓰임

일상적인 회화에서 엄청 많이 쓰일 것 같음

얘기하다가 쓸모없는 말 하나씩 보태고 보태고..

A location scout finds places to shot scenes. 

He travels all over the world.

--> A location scout, who finds places to shot scene, travels all over the world.

who에 엮인 절은 사실 없어도 location scout가 세계를 여행한다는 사실을 설명하는데는 지장이 없다. 

즉 없어도 되는 잉여 정보라는 뜻

* non-defining

1) My dog likes napping. + She has abundant brown fur.

My dog, who likes napping, has abundant brown fur.

--> abundant는 좀 학술적인 표현이라 그냥 a lot of 로 대체하는게 나음.

My dog, who likes napping, has a lot of brown fur.

2) My professor must have been damaged to his head when he was young. + He is an awesome researcher.

My professor, who is an awesome researcher, must have been damaged to his head when he was young.

--> 이 경우는 get something p.p 를 쓰는 것이 더 자연스러움. (배웠는데 자주 안쓰다보니 자꾸 까먹음 ㅜㅜ)

My professor, who is an awesome researcher, must have got his head damaged when he was young.

3) 냉면 is the king of the noodle. 냉면 costs only 4 to 5 thousand won

냉면, which costs only 4 to 5 thousand won, is the king of the noodle.

4) Listening to others is important, which I am not good at, it will make you a better person.

--> 문장 전체에 대해서 non-defining clause를 적용해 본 것. 이렇게 하는게 맞나

* defining

4) My professor is an awesome researcher. He writes many great papers.

My professor who is an awesome researcher writes many great papers.

5) Negative attitude makes us depressed. It would harm to people around you.

Negative attitude which makes us depressed would hurt others.

Posted by 영선님

뭔가(절차)를 묘사할 때 수동태를 쓰는 이유

왜 수동태를 쓰지? 왜냐하면 말하고자 하는 것을 강조하기 위해서.

is/are + past participle

1) A scene isn't filmed just once.

   Only the best shots are used.

Modal + be + past participle

2) One scene may be shot from five or six different angles.

    Lots of different shots have to be taken.


그렇다면 나도 해보자. 

TOPIC: how to progress my experiment.

1. Participants who want to join my experiment are recruited. 

to do that, advertisement is posted on the website called Koreapas.

2. Selected participants are informed to visit my office according to schedule.

3. Entire process is explained, and they practice the procedure with several trials.

4. Real experiment begins, the status should be checked every 5~10 minute.

When the procedure is finished, survey is given.

5. Participants are paid for their labor. The experiment is totally done.

* end 는 passive로 안쓰임. finish, done 등으로 대체할 것.

Posted by 영선님

조동사의 과거형

보통 내가 알고있던 could, might, would 등은 과거형이 아니다!

과거의 뜻을 일부 갖고있기도 하지만 그것은 일부일 뿐, 조금 더 약한 의미를 내포한다.

could 는 can의 약한 표현

might 역시 may 의 약한 표현

would 는 엄청 다양하게 쓰이고 .. 

should는 완전하게 현재를 의미한다

그렇다면 조동사의 과거는?

조동사 + have p.p 가 되겠다. 

must have p.p ~ 했었음에 틀림없다.     (엄청 확실)

may/might have p.p ~ 이었을 것이다.   (약간 확실)

could have p.p  ~할 수 있었다.            (약간 확실, ability)

couldn't have p.p ~할 수 없었다.         (불가능)

모두 과거에 있었던 일을 얘기한다는 것을 주의.

또 얘네가 가정법이랑 같이 쓰일 수 있어서 점점 더 복잡해진다.

should, 즉 의무(obligation)를 뜻할 때 쓸만한 과거형은

had to, need to 등이 있음

she must left already.   그녀는 이미 떠났었다.

she may have left already.   그녀는 이미 떠났을 것이다.

she couldn't have left already.   그녀가 떠났었을 리가 없다? (있었다는것)

깊게 들어가면 엄청 헷갈린다.

must have p.p ≒ can't have p.p  확실한 경우 (certainty)

could have p.p ≒ might have p.p  could의 경우 능력이나 변명 같은 느낌이 조금 들기도

There is a strange restaurant on the street. It may have opened last month.

Since she was afraid of being caught as a thief, she couldn't have told the truth.

My professor used to had a meeting with his students on weekends. he must have been crazy.

Posted by 영선님

뭔가 이유를 얘기할 때

because, since, because of, for, due to, the reason (that/why)

모두 좀 쉬운 내용들이라 간단하게만 요약함

- because / since 의 차이

since는 대체적으로 문장 제일 앞에 쓰이고, 당연한 이유를 얘기할 때 쓰임

because는 이유를 설명해야 알 수 있는 내용을 말할 때 쓰임

의미상으론 거의 똑같음

1) Since the participant who was supposed to join my experiment at 9:00 a.m. didn't show up, I could write down this sentence early in the morning. 

2) I don't want to eat 짜장면 because I had it last weekend 3 times.

3) The reason why I go home on foot is that I want to listen to music while I am walking.

Posted by 영선님

Infinitive 를 사용해서 목적을 묘사하는법

to부정사를 ~ 하기 위해서 로 해석하는 경우에 해당하는 내용

보통 why ~~ 로 물어보면 대부분 to부정사로 대답할 수 있다!

책에 나온 예제는

1) Infinitive clauses

 - To run a popular Internet cafe, it's a good idea to have plenty of computers.

 - (In order) to establish a trendy restaurant, it's important to have fashionable servers.

보통 이런 경우엔 to, in order to 를 사용해서 표현함

2) Infinitive clauses with for

 - For an athletic center to be profitable, it needs to have modern exercise equipment.

 - (In order) for a language school to succeed, it has to have a convenient location.

난 이런 형태의 문장을 처음 봤는데, infinitive와 함께 쓰인 for~ 는 infinitive 행동의 주체를 의미함.

즉,첫번째 문장에서 수익을 내는 주체는 헬스장이니까 For an athletic center 로 명시

두번째는 생략했던 in order 를 추가한 경우인데, in order for 이 한 묶음이라고 생각해서 첨에 엄청 의아해 했음

In order (for a language school) to succeed 의 구조를 갖는거임

허허 영어는 어렵구먼

그렇다면 so that 은? 보통 so 를 '그래서' 로 해석하는 경우가 많은데 이는 so 전에 콤마가 나올 경우.

so that 역시 목적을 묘사하기 위해 쓰인다

The doctor operated to save his patient's life.

The doctor operated so that he could save his patient's life.

둘이 완전 같은뜻임. 콤마 없는거에 주의할것

또한 to부정사는 뭔가 우연한? 놀라운? 사건을 얘기하는데에도 쓰임 (discovery)

이런 경우는 in order to 이렇게 쓰이는 경우는 없음.

또 보통  to find. to hear. to smell. to see. to discover 같은 애들과 쓰이고

주절과 부정사절이 다른 시간프레임에서 발생한다? 이건 무슨소린지 모르겟다.

Steve enters his office to find his co-workers talking about him.

스티브가 오피스로 들어갔는데, (우연히) 동료들이 그에 대해 말하는 것을 들었다.

절대 스티브가 자기얘기 하는걸 들으러 사무실로 들어간게 아님. 

이럴경우 다른 컨텍스트를 써야함 (if 를 써서 표현한다던가)

here comes my examples

1) I'm going to hold a housewarming party to hang out with my classmates and JADE.

2) Lucia gave us her favorite Bolivian chocolate so that we could all try it as well. 

루시아는, (우리도 모두 먹어보길 원해서) 그녀가 좋아하는 볼리비아 초콜릿을 주었다.

와 이 문장 어렵다.. 보통 so that 을 쓰는 경우는 목적을 표현할 때 would 혹은 could 를 써야 할 경우 잘 쓰이는데

적당한 예를 찾기가 힘듬. 위에 쓴 문장에서  so that ~~ 뒤를 만드는데 엄청 애를 먹었다.

처음 내가 생각한 문장은

Lucia gave us nice Bolivian chocolate so that she would share her Bolivian style taste.

아무리 봐도 just awkward. 음 더 연습해봐야겠군

3) I watched CCTVs in my building to see a married man and woman having an affair.

Posted by 영선님
1) should have p.p ~했어야 하는데

I should have studied something more practical when I was in college.

I shouldn't have waited so long to choose a major

2) hypothetical situation

If I'd listened to my mother, I would have learned to play a musical instrument.

If I hadn't been so irresponsible, I could have gotten better grades.


가정법은 총 4가지 종류가 있음

1. real possibility 앞으로 일어날 법 한 일(미래 상황을 얘기함)

- If it rains, I will stay at home. (present + will)

지금은 비가 오지 않는데, 구름도 껴있고 비가 올 수도 있다고 생각이 들었음 그래서 비가 온다면 집에 있을거다.

2. unreal possibility or dream 앞으로 일어날 가능성이 별로 없는거 (역시 미래 상황)

- If I won the lottery, I would buy a car. (simple past + would)

지금 복권을 사둔것도 아니고(the lottery) 샀다고 되기도 엄청 힘들지만, 복권이 된다면 차를 살거다.

3. no possibility 과거에 있었던 일을 가정하고, 확률이 전혀 없음 (past perfect + would present perfect)

- If I had won the lottery, I would have bought a car.

지난주에 복권을 샀는데, 당첨이 안됐음 그거만 당첨 됐어도 차를 샀을텐데

4. certainly 항상 옳은, 과학적인 현상 같은걸 얘기할 때 씀

- If you heat ice, it melts.

_ If I get up late, I miss my bus.

얼음에 열을 가하면 녹는다. 늦게 일어나면 버스를 놓친다

here comes my sentences

1) If it is still hot, I'll go home earlier.

2) If my professor didn't come his office next Monday, I would go home earlier.

3) If I had gone to a musical college, I would have been a great artist with starving.

4) If you late for work, your boss gets angry.

Posted by 영선님

여러가지 시간 표현들

before, after, once, the moment, as soon as, until, by the time 등등

once 는 ever since 랑 비슷한 의미

시간을 나타내는 부사절 --> 미래 대신 현재

Before I had my first job, I was really immature.

After I got my first job, I became more mature.

Once I had a job, I became totally independent.

The moment I moved away from home, I felt like a different person.

As soon as I got my own bank account, I started to be more responsible.

Until I graduated, I'd never had any important responsibilities.

By the time I graduated from high school, I had already started working.

here comes my sentences

While I was watching TV, my friends washed dishes like slaves.

I have lived alone since I graduated from high school.

This dog will bark when strangers break into my backyard.

Posted by 영선님

1) Use will to predict future events or situation

그냥 평범한 미래 일을 얘기할 땐 will을 쓰자

Computers will recognize any voice command. You won't need a keyboard.

2) Use future continuous to predict ongoing actions.

뭔가 진행중일거라 예상되는 상황엔 미래진행형

사실 그냥 미래랑 비슷한데, 뭔가 하고 있다는 것을 강조하기 위함임

People will be living in cities under the ocean.

3) Use future perfect to predict actions that will be completed by a certain time.

미래의 어느 시점에 완료된 일을 얘기할 땐 미래완료

근데 미래완료는 보통 단독으로 잘 안쓰이고, by the time 같은거랑 묶어서 쓰임

일상적인 대화에서 미래완료를 써야 할 상황은 크게 나오지 않을 것 같음

Within 20 years, scientists will have discovered a cure for baldness.

By 2050, we will have set up human communities on Mars.

내 예문들

- People and dogs will be able to understand each others' language.

- In 50 years, Both South and North Korea will be being still separated into 2 Nations.

- Within 100 years, Japan will have sunk down into deep inside of the Pacific ocean.

Posted by 영선님

1) A point or period of time in the past

과거의 어느 한 순간이나 기간

When did World War II take place?

During the 1940s. In the the 1940s. Over 70 years ago.

How long were the Beatles together?

From 1960 to 1970. For 10 years.

2) A period of time that continues into the present

현재까지 계속되고 있는 상황을 얘기할 때

How long has the United nations been in existence?

Since 1945. Since World War II ended. For about the last 70 years.

Posted by 영선님